Early Orthodontic Treatment

We Offer Professional, High-Quality Orthodontic Treatment for Young Children When it is Necessary

About Early Orthodontic Treatment

Though an orthodontist can enhance a smile at any age, there is an optimal time period to begin treatment. Beginning treatment at this time ensures the greatest result and the least amount of time and expense. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the first sign of orthodontic problems or no later than age 7. At this early age, orthodontic treatment may not be necessary, but vigilant examination can anticipate the most advantageous time to begin treatment.

What Is Early Orthodontic Treatment?

When we talk about “early treatment” in orthodontics, we mean any specific interventions to a person’s teeth that take place early in childhood. Early treatment can also be referred to as “Phase 1” of orthodontics, and generally begins at around age eight or nine.

The aim of early treatment is to correct certain bite problems as well as the growth and development of the child’s jaw. Early treatment is also essential to allow room for your child’s permanent teeth to come in properly, reducing the need for tooth removal when they’re older.

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Let us know how you want to improve your smile. Our doctors will let you know what your options are.

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Who Is a Candidate for Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics is an important part of dental care: not only does it improve the aesthetics of a person’s smile, but it also treats problems such as bad bite, which in turn affect the way a person chews, speaks, smiles, and more.

In order to establish the foundation for a healthy adult smile, everyone can benefit from an early orthodontic evaluation, regardless of whether or not there are already any visible issues.

By the age of seven, the first adult molars erupt, establishing the back bite. During this time, an orthodontist can evaluate front-to-back and side-to-side tooth relationships. For example, the presence of erupting incisors can indicate possible overbite, open bite, crowding, or gummy smiles.


Why Is Early Treatment Vital?

Treating any orthodontic problems as early in life as possible is essential to paving the way for a healthier smile and a more confident personality. Amongst other benefits, early treatment can aid in creating room for crowded teeth, improving facial symmetry, reducing the need for tooth removal, cutting down treatment time with braces, and much more.

Early treatment also generates impressive benefits from a psychological point of view. Patients who have undergone early orthodontic treatment, in fact, generally report a boost in self-esteem levels, self-confidence, and overall happiness.


How Does an Early Evaluation Work?

During this first visit, Dr. Murray will establish whether there are any visible issues, such as overbite, open bite, crowding, or gummy smiles.

In the event of any specific problems, your doctor will be able to advise you on the best approach to adopt, moving forward. A variety of treatments are available for your child, depending on the issue that needs to be addressed and corrected.

Treatment can include the need for your child to wear braces: this can be a fairly significant life change for them as well as for you, and we will be happy to provide you with as much support and information as you need.

Help Your Child Achieve Healthy,
Beautiful Teeth for Life

Intervening early in childhood can set your kid up for a beautiful, healthy smile for life, and a happier, more confident attitude. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that you can expect to be answered during your evaluation include:

What are the benefits of early orthodontic evaluation?
Why is age 7 considered the optimal time for screening?
What are the advantages of interceptive treatment?
Are you a candidate for orthodontic treatment?
Why should malocclusions be treated?